Bottesini2021 is the project of video recording within a year Giovanni Bottesini's complete work for double bass and piano on the occasion of his 200th birthday, with pianist Maurcie van Schoonhoven. All the videos are uploaded on this page, the YouTube channel, and on the Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Gran Duo Concertante for Violin and Doublebass
with violinist Sylvia Huang
Introduction and Variations on the Carnival of Venice
Fantasia sulla "Sonnambula" di Bellini
Introduzione e Bolero
Fantasia sulla "Norma" di Bellini
Elegia Nr.1 in Re
Romanza Drammatica - Elegia nr.2
Allegretto Capriccio "alla Chopin"
Capriccio di Bravura
Adagio Melanconico ed Appassionato
Giovanni Bottesini's transcription for double bass of Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst's Elegie in C minor op.10 n.3 for violin
Fantasia su "Lucia di Lammermoor" di Donizetti
Introduzione e Gavotta
Fantasia "Cerrito"